Φίνο και καθαρό, φρουτένιο φλιτζάνι. Προφίλ λεμονιού και φρούτων του δάσους, με φρέσκια οξύτητα.
Daanisa farmers group is a group of 44 farmers whodeliver their cherry to Dambi Uddo washing station. Thename comes from the local name for an umbrella-shaped native tree. The daanisa tree has medicinalproperties and is used for a wide range of constructionpurposes. Perhaps most importantly, it is used to shadethe region’s coffee trees.
Dambi Uddo Agro Industry founded Dambi Uddowashing station in 2019. Located in Sukkee Qutto in Guji,the high altitudes that often reach above 2,000 metersabove sea level provide ideal conditions for cultivatinghigh-quality coff ees. This lot is the product of 44farmers that Dambi Uddo identified who are producing superb coffees and delivering them to the station. Their cherry is processed separately to maintain traceability.
Farmers selectively handpick cherry and deliver it to thewashing station or to local collection points. At thewashing station, coff ee is sorted to ensure that only theripest cherries are processed. The collection agentoversees the quality of cherry before processing.
Natural coff ees, such as this one, are floated in water first to remove any underweight or damaged beans andany debris. After cleaning, cherry is carried straight toraised beds, where it is spread into a single layer fordrying. Cherry is raked regularly and visually handsorted to remove any damaged cherry that may have made it through the initial sorting.